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Creating greeting cards online.
PTV, ePlanet invest in Greetz

Creating greeting cards online.

In-building cellular and wireless technology solutions.
GP Bullhound invests in Zinwave

In-building cellular and wireless technology solutions.

Using the power of design to create services people love.
GP Bullhound invests in Fjord

Using the power of design to create services people love.

The communication management software provider.
GP Bullhound invests in Skinkers

The communication management software provider.

Wireless broadband services in Europe.
GP Bullhound invests in The Cloud

Wireless broadband services in Europe.

Enabling high-speed optical data transmission and data capture.
GP Bullhound invests in Firecomms

Enabling high-speed optical data transmission and data capture.

Providing wireless indoor coverage solutions.
SEB Venture Capital, Atlas Ventures, SEP invest in Zinwave

Providing wireless indoor coverage solutions.

Providing digital content solutions worldwide.
Fidelity Ventures, Balderton Capital invest in NewBay

Providing digital content solutions worldwide.

Providing communication management.
Acacia Capital Partners, Spark Ventures, Quester Capital invest in Skinkers

Providing communication management.

Developing silicon & software solutions.
Intel Capital, Pond Venture Partners invest in Mirics

Developing silicon & software solutions.