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March 12, 2011
MMC Ventures, GP Bullhound Sidecar, Private Investors invest in Interactive Investor
Supporting your investments.
December 09, 2010
GP Bullhound invests in BullGuard
Protecting your devices against malware, spyware and ransomware.
November 07, 2010
Euroffice acquired by Darwin Private Equity
The next step for office supplies and the SME market.
December 09, 2009
GP Bullhound invests in Order Dynamics
Developing cloud-based distributed order management systems.
December 09, 2009
GP Bullhound invests in Interactive Investor
Low-cost online share dealing & investment services.
November 08, 2009
GP Bullhound invests in Muzicall
Providing ringback tone for operators and media companies.
October 09, 2009
Frog Capital, West coast Capital, GP Bullhound Sidecar invest in eCommera